
White House Readies Order on NAFTA Withdrawal

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

white houseTwo White House sources told Politico that the Trump Administration is considering an executive order withdrawing the country from the North American Free Trade Agreement. Officials say the draft order has been submitted for the final stages of review and could be unveiled soon. Politico says the order could change in the coming days but seems to indicate an intent to withdraw from the sweeping deal by triggering the timeline set forth in the agreement. On the campaign trail, the President pledged to renegotiate the deal signed in 1994 by Bill Clinton. In recent weeks, Trump has increased his rhetoric by vowing to terminate the deal altogether. Pete Navarro, the head of the National Trade Council, drafted the executive order in cooperation with White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. The draft order could be a negotiating tactic but should Trump set the process in motion, the prospect of pulling the U.S. out of the world’s largest trade deal could become very real. Trump said he would renegotiate multilateral trade deals like NAFTA, which he called a “job-killer” and “the single worst trade deal ever.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.

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