Chairman Conaway Applauds the Confirmation of Secretary Perdue

DanIndustry News Release



House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway issued the following statement upon the confirmation of Governor Sonny Perdue as the 31st Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

“Today is a great day for American agriculture. Secretary Perdue is a strong friend of America’s farmers and ranchers, and I know he will work to ensure that agriculture is a top priority in the new Administration.

“President Trump has made it clear he supports a good farm bill that is delivered on time and includes a strong safety net for our nation’s farmers. That is absolutely critical as rural America struggles against the largest 4-year percentage decline in net farm income since the start of the Great Depression. It is good to have someone at the table fighting on behalf of rural America, and I look forward to working with Secretary Perdue as we develop a strong farm bill that improves the lives of America’s farmers and ranchers.”

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