skin care

Foods That Make Your Skin Glow

DanThis Land of Ours

skin care


Cathy Isom turns to skin care by giving you tips about some foods you can eat to make your skin glow. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.




Our skin protects every inch of our body, from filtering toxins to holding moisture in. So it makes sense to protect our skin by including these nourishing foods Fresh green salad with shrimp and avocadoin our diet, that are also known to make our skin glow.  Such as Avocados – they’re filled with antioxidants lutein and beta carotene to help soften the skin. And, Pomegranates – which promote smooth skin that is free of fine lines. Walnuts act as a natural anti-aging tool. Full of Vitamin B, and their oil works great as a moisturizer, too. Eating Tomatoes will help protect your skin from sun damage, because of their lycopene. Kale promotes proper skin cell growth. Kiwi – contains high amounts of vitamin E, which is a natural skin moisturizer and rejuvenator. Pumpkins have wonderful skin health benefits too because they have it all – vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Bell peppers will not only keep your skin looking healthy and youthful because they contain tons of vitamin C that fights free radicals. But their anti-inflammatory properties will also keep you from looking bloated.

I’m Cathy Isom…

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