The referendum to approve the efforts of the California Avocado Commission for another half-decade looked a little different this year, yet was still overwhelmingly approved. Five years ago when the …
Tomato Fields with Fusarium Falciforme Needed for Ongoing Survey
The UC Davis Vegetable and Field Crop Pathology lab is working with statewide Farm Advisors to survey tomato fields for Fusarium falciforme. Those who suspect Fusarium falciforme in their fields …
Gene Discovery Potential to Make Peaches More Resilient to Stress
Researchers have identified a gene that has the potential to make peaches more resilient to plant stressors. A study from Boyce Thompson Institute looked at a variety of wild relatives …
Getting Started Growing Houseplants Hydroponically
How to get started growing houseplants hydroponically. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. There are a handful of herbs and houseplants that can grow hydroponically, meaning they can survive …
California Avocado Marketing Ramping Up with COVID Impacts Remaining
Pandemic trends are still affecting consumers as peak California avocado marketing ramps up. California Avocado Commission Jan DeLyser said despite improvements, they are still seeing consumers cooking at home more …
Citrus Harvest Looking ‘Pretty Good’ Overall
Citrus harvest has been moving along nicely for a favorable market. California Citrus Mutual President Casey Cramer earlier this month said the harvest was going pretty well so far this …
Tips for Starting Vegetable and Flower Seeds Indoors
Some tips for starting seeds indoors. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. No matter where you live, there is one outdoor gardening task you can do any time …
When Will It Be Safe to Start Planting Plants and Seed Outside
When it’s safe to start planting outside. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. When the minutes of daylight starts to increase in winter, so does the yearning to …
Edible Plants You Can Grow in Bog or Marshy Soil
Edible plants you can grow in a bog or marshy soil. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. When you have a sunken, wet area on your property. Plant edible …
Good, yet Lower, 2021 Avocado Forecast Due to Weather
This year’s California avocado crop looks good but will likely come in a little lighter than expected. In January, avocado-producing areas of California experienced heavy winds. Ventura County producer Chris Sayer …
Industry Members Asked to Participate in Citrus Thrip Research
Researchers are asking for assistance from industry members as they investigate citrus thrips. The pest populations have been known to rapidly develop resistance to management materials. Thrips can cause issues …
Value of Utilized Production of California Vegetables
Information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that California’s vegetable value of utilized production declined last year. According to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), the value of California’s …
California Avocado Commission Referendum Currently Underway
Avocado growers are once again being asked to weigh-in with their thoughts about the California Avocado Commission (CAC). The state-mandated referendum vote is held every five years by the California Department of …
Fusarium Falciforme: Emerging Problem for California Tomatoes
A new fusarium issue is creating some significant concern for tomato producers. Dr. Cassandra Swett of UC Davis is referring to the pathogen as fusarium falciforme. Swett is a Cooperative …