Everett Griner talks about the size of crops in today’s Agri View. Crop Reports Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsNovember 1, 2024Protecting Your Operation from Damaging Fire AntsJuly 11, 2024Controlling Fire …
USDA Video: USDA Week In Review October 9
A weekly look at some of the events and activities at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In this edition of USDA Week In Review: Expanding trade, talking to Congress about …
Opinion: You Know You’re At a California Fair When…
State fairs around the nation all have some familiar characteristics, yet fairs in the golden state have something that many Californians take for granted. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsNovember 1, …
Agri View: Common Shifts
Everett Griner talks about agriculture, a risky business, in today’s Agri View. Common Shifts Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsNovember 1, 2024Protecting Your Operation from Damaging Fire AntsJuly 11, 2024Controlling Fire …
New USDA Fact Sheets Illustrate State-by-State Benefits of TPP
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today released a series of fact sheets illustrating how the newly reached Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement can boost the U.S. agriculture industry, supporting more …
Ag Sec. Vilsack Talks TPP
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack discusses how the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) provides a more level playing field in trade for American farmers. U.S. exports of agricultural products to TPP countries totaled …
Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Regarding the Agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today made the following statement following the successful conclusion of negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: “An agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations provides a more …
Statement by the President on the Trans-Pacific Partnership
From The White House: I’ve spent every day of my presidency fighting to grow our economy and strengthen our middle class. That means making sure our workers have a fair …
Dormant Winter Crops Handling Flooding
A study by University of California-Davis (UC-Davis) that is looking at recharging groundwater levels by winter flooding of farmland and crops with a winter dormancy is showing good results. Dormant …
Most Operations Implementing Food Safety
The Food and Drug Administration is currently revising their draft rule of the Food Safety Modernization Act and that has some growers wondering about a farm food safety plan. Sponsored …
USDA, Microsoft to Launch “Innovation Challenge” to Address Food Resiliency
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is partnering with Microsoft to launch the “Innovation Challenge,” a contest designed to explore how climate change will impact the United States’ food system …
Farm Bureau Convention Planned for Orlando
What to expect at the 2016 American Farm Bureau Annual Convention and IDEAg trade show – and when you can begin registration. Farm Bureau Convention The 2016 convention keynote speaker …
Invisible ‘Barcode’ Helping Traceability
Some technology in the agriculture industry is looking at an old problem in the food supply chain. Food safety and traceability has always been a heavily debated topic, but as …
Crop Management
Everett Griner talks about southern farmers now looking at rice in today’s Agri View. Crop Management Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsNovember 1, 2024Protecting Your Operation from Damaging Fire AntsJuly 11, …