…cost him more than $4 million in losses in the last two months. For those trying to ship fresh citrus, port congestion has become “a bigger problem” now that peak…
Fruit Size and Drop Factors in Citrus Crop Forecast
…the numbers this month from previous months forecast. January Citrus Crop Forecast January USDA/NASS Maturity Test Results and Fruit Size chart. (.pdf) The February Citrus Crop Forecast is scheduled for…
Santa Barbara County Grower Meeting Set for February 3
Santa Barbara County growers and pest control advisors are asked to attend an Asian citrus psyllid meeting at the Public Health Auditorium in Santa Barbara at 10 a.m. on Tuesday,…
Citrus Industry This Week: Grower Concerns about Fruit Size and Quality
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes a report from a grower forum and information on whether to use irrigation for freeze protection. Want to learn more?…
ACP Quarantine in Madera County
A portion of Madera County has been placed under quarantine for the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) following the detection of one ACP northeast of the City of Madera, in the…
Six Cold Nights do Little Damage to Citrus Crop
…citrus crop, over the extended New Year’s weekend. Reports Show Citrus Ok Citrus growers have run water and wind machines in their groves six to 10 hours each night since…
As of January 1: Cold Weather Not Damaging to State’s Citrus
Forecasted lows did not materialize New Year’s Eve/Day but cold temperatures prevailed throughout citrus growing areas requiring frost protection as early as 10 PM New Year’s Eve. The counties of…
Forecasted Cold Temps Fail to Materialize
…Citrus Mutual is a voluntary membership trade association consisting of growers who represent almost 75% of the state’s citrus industry. For more from the California Citrus Mutual, visit its website….
CA Citrus Growers Will Spend New Year’s Eve Protecting Crops
It could be a very long New Year’s eve for many citrus producers in California. Gary Crawford has more on the start of the freeze watch. California Citrus Growers Bracing…
CDFA Accepting Concept Proposals for 2015 Fertilizer Research and Education Grants
…research projects are requested to fill gaps in nitrogen management information for specific crops, including corn, pima cotton, processing tomatoes, walnuts, citrus, and deep rooted vegetables such as carrots. Furthermore,…
Citrus Industry This Week: HLB and Cold Temps; Rucks on Rootstocks
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes a report on freeze temperatures and HLB as well as a nurseryman’s views on trial rootstocks. Want to learn more?…
Citrus Industry This Week: Big Citrus Planting; New FAWN Feature
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week includes information on a large Peace River Citrus Products planting and a new Florida Automated Weather Network feature that can help citrus growers….
Citrus Industry This Week: Freeze Prediction and Protection
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes information to help growers prepare for a freeze. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe free and view the…
Citrus Industry This Week: HLB-Tolerant Rootstocks; Hall of Fame Inductees
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week includes information on HLB-tolerant rootstocks and the latest members to join the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame. Want to learn more? Click here…