Citrus Greening Research Funding

DanCitrus, Industry News Release

…partial quarantine due to the detected presence of the Asian citrus psyllid, a vector for HLB. Those states include Alabama, American Samoa, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi,…

Dollar Up Means Ag Exports Down

Taylor HillmanDairy & Livestock, Trade

…who are closer to the Asian markets anyhow, is relatively down,” Gallagher said. “So in a global system where people go for the lowest net cost in their currency, they’re…

Frost Tool Tested for ACP Management

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Pest Update

…TreeGlove could be a good defense against the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). “Our TreeGlove is a non-woven cloth, not a mesh netting. It’s a breathable, porous material that can hold…

Citrus Continues to Fund HLB/ACP Research

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Pest Update

Citrus industry leaders expressed how their research funding allocations have changed since 2008 and continue to devote money to fight huanglongbing and the Asian citrus psyllid. The Citrus Research Board…

Agri View: 2016 Farm Outlook

DanAgri View, General

…cash receipts for fruits and nuts are expected to remain stable in 2016 due to higher expected farm prices. Grapefruit and orange production is expected to fall as citrus greening…