…Central Florida team to test a bactericide against citrus greening disease, a problem that has cost the state of Florida alone more than $3 billion in lost revenue since 2007….
Citrus Crop Forecast Live Coverage Wednesday, October 12
…and Florida Citrus Mutual in sponsoring monthly forecast updates throughout the citrus season. OnlyMoso USA officials say the company offers smaller acreage citrus growers in particular strong profit opportunities in…
Prospects for a Vote on TPP Improving Slightly
…told the newspaper it’s a mistake to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership because if America abandons the Asian markets, “we will lose.” Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has come out against…
Agri View: Beefalo
…is bison? The National Bison Association encourages the name bison to differentiate the American buffalo from the Asian Water buffalo and African Cape buffalo. The American buffalo is not a…
Psyllid Spreads North, Found in Placer County
The Asian citrus psyllid, a small insect that can carry a devastating citrus tree disease, has been detected in Placer County. The disease, called Huanglongbing, and is also known as…
APHIS Seeks Comments on Treatment Evaluation Document
…more than 14 days to meet the U.S. entry requirements. In March 2011, APHIS approved cold treatment at or below 3o C of certain other species of citrus fruit from…
Foods You Should Refrigerate
…And always throw your salad dressings in the refrigerator. Especially ones made with dairy, fruit or citrus. Even if you make your own, keep it fresh by keeping it chilled….
Western View: Nevada Water Wars Heating Up
…I have to meter it and pay by the gallon, and maybe reduce my usage? But, equally concerning is the sure knowledge that my neighbor’s half section of citrus isn’t…
Psyllid Detection Locations Show Complacency
Asian citrus psyllid detection locations north of the grapevine are often close to the state’s main highways. Leaders say this shows some complacency among the industry and recent meetings aimed…
Comments Reopened on Import of Lemons from Chile
…available for review and the comment period will be reopened for 30 days ending September 26, 2016. Certain citrus fruit from Chile, including fresh lemons, is currently allowed into the…
Citrus Growers, Packers Discuss Disease Threat
…top citrus-production region. Huanglongbing, the fatal citrus disease the tiny pest can carry, has devastated Florida citrus production and threatens California citrus. Though the disease—also known as HLB or citrus…
Psyllid Management Meetings Sought Industry Input
Courtesy: UC ANR Recent psyllid management meetings sought input from the citrus industry on ways to control Asian citrus psyllids and the spread of huanglongbing disease. The Asian citrus psyllid…
Senator Toomey Announces Opposition to TPP
…proposed trade agreement between America and numerous Asian and Pacific countries. TPP is supposed to give our country the chance to write the rules for global trade, instead of letting…
Asian Trade Negotiations Taking Place Without the U.S.
Representatives from Australia, Singapore, and other countries in the Far East and Pacific Rim are in Vietnam this week, negotiating a trade agreement that could potentially take the place of…