
Almond Board: Internship at the Almond Board

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update

…and assist in research and education programs in tree crop production, sustainable agriculture, integrated pest management, soil and water sciences, and other disciplines. The intern is also awarded the opportunity…

The Western View: Farmbot

Taylor HillmanFeatures, Western View

…tools are seed injectors, watering nozzles, plows, sensors and more.” This giant printer sits on two rails. Below it is the prepared soil. The home Farmbot is about 6 feet…

Apple crate 34

Early Market Benefits Apple Growers

Taylor HillmanFruits & Vegetables

…to go” before they’re practical for actual field use. In the meantime, growers such as Chinchiolo are increasingly replacing older orchards with shorter trees that are planted in higher density,…

milking robots

Dairy Farmers work to Help Cows Stay Cool

Taylor HillmanDairy and Livestock

…the cow’s diet—often by reducing the fiber level and raising the nonstructural carbohydrates to achieve a higher-density feed—created a nutritional imbalance that made cows more susceptible to acidosis and other…