Merced Woman Wins Open Discussion Meet

Taylor Hillman General

…a member of the Merced County Farm bureau, and works as an agricultural attorney. She was one of 12 individuals from throughout the state to participate in the contest in…

CA Raisin Appeal

Taylor Hillman General

An appeal from a group of California raisin producers is headed to the Supreme Court. It’s the latest movement in the Horne V. US Department of Agriculture case, which stems…

Agriculture Needs Science, Study Says

Taylor Hillman General

…food and agricultural research and development has been devoted to food manufacturing – not areas that directly increase agricultural production. For a link to the USDA’s news release, click here….

Former Ag Secretaries Speak at Meeting

Taylor Hillman General

…fuels 25. Block on the future of agriculture 26. Yeutter on the future of agriculture 27. Bergland on agricultural research and GMO 28. Yeutter on agricultural research and GMO 29….