Positive Impacts from Extreme Weather Events

Taylor HillmanDrought, Water

Looking from a historical perspective, California should see some positive impacts from this drought. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Protecting Your Operation from Damaging Fire AntsJuly 11, 2024Controlling Fire …

CDFA Announces 2016 Funding for the SWEEP

DanCattle, Citrus, Cotton, Drought, Education, Environment, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, Fruits & Vegetables, General, Grain, Industry News Release, Seeds, Soil, Special Reports, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Technology, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables, Water, Wine

SACRAMENTO, November 20, 2015 – The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) will begin accepting applications today, November 20, 2015, for the State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP). …

Finding Commonality of Drought Tolerance

Taylor HillmanDrought, Water

The project looking at drought genes in sorghum is aiming to identify the commonality of drought tolerance in many plants. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Protecting Your Operation from …

Wastewater Still Faces Yuck Factor

Taylor HillmanDrought, Water, Wine

Wastewater reuse projects are proving very beneficial but still face a social stigma. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Protecting Your Operation from Damaging Fire AntsJuly 11, 2024Controlling Fire Ants …

Winery Wastewater Trial Two-Part

Taylor HillmanDrought, General, Water, Wine

The UC Davis project analyzing wastewater from wineries then looked to see how that water would react with soils around the state. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Protecting Your …