Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough ruled against the Democrats’ plan to provide eight million green cards as a part of their $3.5 trillion spending bill. The Hill says that decision makes …
Use of H-2A Program More Than Triples Between 2010 and 2019
The use of the H-2A program has more than tripled over the last decade. According to a report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service, the number of H-2A positions …
Higher-Skilled Labor Pool Will Be Key to Keeping U.S. Ag Competitive
With the necessary advances being made to ag technologies, it will be critical to continue advancing the skills of the ag workforce. President and CEO of Western Growers, Dave Puglia …
Challenges Hurdling Guest Worker Programs
This week lawmakers addressed border security, immigration reform and and challenges with securing a reliable farm workforce. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack talked about the current farm guest workers program challenges …
Potential For Year-Round H-2A Access on The Horizon
A bipartisan amendment that was approved by the U.S. House Appropriations Committee will allow for year-round H-2A access. While the year-round availability would be temporary, it would help address critical …
Current Agricultural Labor Market ‘Extraordinarily Concerning’
The agricultural labor market is especially problematic this year, as other industries also struggle to find workers. Labor issues are nothing new for agriculture. However, shortages affecting all segments of …
‘Large Step Forward’ Taken with Farm Labor Reform Roundtable
A recent farm labor reform roundtable brought together Senate leadership, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, and farm and farmworker organizations. The group discussed the need for change as detailed in the …
Making Plans for Heat Illness Prevention as Temperatures Rise
With the first official day of summer around the corner, several areas of California are already experiencing triple-digit temperatures. Nonetheless, this does not excuse farm laborers from showing up to …
Farm Bureau Backs Border States Urging Biden Admin to Help with Border Crisis
A letter urging the Biden administration to address the surge of undocumented immigrants entering the United States was recently crafted by four Farm Bureau states including California and Arizona. The …
Farm Groups Push for Swift Action on Agriculture Labor from The Senate
The Agriculture Workforce Coalition is calling for action on behalf of the U.S. Senate in regard to agriculture labor. In a letter sent to Senate leadership, the coalition highlights the …
California Farmers Adjusting to Dramatic Increase to H-2A Wage Rate
California farm employers with H-2A workers are now paying the third-highest wage rate in the country. The Adverse Effect Wage Rate was increased nine percent to a total of $16.05 …
New Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Bill Goes into Effect March 29
Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed Senate Bill 95 (SB 95), the COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave bill, after it was passed by the California Legislature last week. The new mandate …
Ag Groups Challenge Additional $4 an Hour ‘Hero Pay’
A group of agricultural organizations is challenging the “hero pay” ordinance that was recently passed by the Coachella City Council. Western Growers, the California Fresh Fruit Association, and Growing Coachella …
‘Critically Important’ Farm Workforce Bill Receives House Approval
The Farm Workforce Modernization Act has been approved by the U.S. House of Representatives through a vote of 247-174. Advocates of the bill are hopeful that the Senate will begin …