
Winterize Your Garden for a Better Spring Crop

DanField & Row Crops, Soil, This Land of Ours

winterizeCathy Isom has a few great tips about how to winterize your garden for a better crop next spring. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Winterize Your Garden for a Better Spring Crop

Now is the time to get your garden in good shape before the frigid cold temps hit and winter sets in for the coming months. The little things you do now could mean big benefits in the spring.  Some ways to “winterize” your garden include taking good care of the soil. Start by pulling weeds and also plants that seem diseased and infested.  Annual vegetables can be yanked out, too.

Healthy plants can be dropped into the ground to break down and feed the soil over the winter.  Perennial plants need love right about now, too.  Clip the dead parts and six weeks prior to the ground freezing is the right time to divide them.  Plant bulbs now so they’ll be ready to greet you in the springtime.

It’s also a good idea to figure out your garden beds needs for protective shelter. Such as an extra layer of thick mulch, straws or leaves. In active beds, such as those growing winter greens, the mulch will provide protective sheltering for soil life, as well as keep the soil from freezing as early in the winter.

I’m Cathy Isom…