How to transplant your homegrown bell pepper plants. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Once your seedlings have produced true leaves it’s time to harden them off. This is the process where plants are acclimated to new environment by slowly introducing them to outdoor weather.
Start in the morning and bring them in later and later each day until you are confident they have adapted. Before transplanting, make sure the soil temperature is warm enough, usually around 65°F.
Transplanting can stress a plant and cause blossom drop, so you’ll want to remove any flowers that form before giving them a permanent home. In the garden, leave at least 18 inches between plants, possibly more, depending on the variety you’re growing.
Water newly planted bell peppers really well and add an inch or two of organic mulch. Their roots are shallow and mulch will help to maintain moisture and protect roots from moisture related stress.
Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.
Transplanting Peppers
Video by: Gapeys Grub
The time has come to get the pepper starts in the ground. See how I prepare the soil and what amendments I use to get them off to a good start. Found the fertilizer I used: Down to Earth Organic