by Karen Ross, California Agriculture Secretary

California’s featured dish within the New York Times – Thanksgiving Recipes Across the United States.
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What’s on the table for the Thanksgiving feast is often a matter of household tradition. In my family, that means turkey with all the fixings! Maybe your traditional Thanksgiving is much the same, but it’s good to know that here in California our bountiful crops and agricultural products make the options pretty inspiring. Whatever is on your family’s table – including flowers – Californians are blessed to live in this beautiful, productive and diverse place, and consumers all over the world are thankful for what our farmers provide.
Protecting the long-term viability of our agricultural systems and the people who make up California’s farm communities is part of our job here at CDFA, and we are so proud to be a part of that effort. It takes a lot of hands to bring a crop to harvest, starting with the ranchers, farmers and farmworkers themselves. It has been heartening in recent years to see so many consumers paying more attention to where their food comes from and who grows it. Our farmers deserve our thanks for the care and attention they devote to our food supply. Let me also express my thanks for all of the other agencies, stakeholders, scientists, educators and representatives who, along with CDFA, play supporting roles in the achievements of our farmers and ranchers.
I feel fortunate to have been given such vital work to do, and such wonderful employees and colleagues to work with. Ranchers, farmers and farmworkers don’t shy away from hard work, and they have entrusted us at CDFA to be a partner in their efforts. Gratitude for what we have in-hand and what we have accomplished together is an essential part of the Thanksgiving spirit, but it is also important to be thankful for the anticipation of worthwhile work that remains.
I wish you and your loved ones a very happy Thanksgiving and a joyous holiday season!