Project Apis m., a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting honeybee research, showcased its Seeds for Bees program at the recent Almond Conference. Brett LeDuc, Climate Smart Habitat Manager, highlighted the …
Seeds for Bees Program Accepting Enrollment Applications
The Seeds for Bees program from Project Apis m. is now open and accepting applications. Enrollment for the 2023-2024 growing season officially began on April 1. The program is aimed …
Almond Update: New Partnership and Scholarship for Pollinator Week
The Almond Board of California (ABC) is announcing two creations during National Pollinator Week 2020. ABC’s Chief Scientific Officer Josette Lewis said pollinator practices in the California Almond Sustainability Program and …
Cover Crops Are Site-Specific
A cover crop program can help growers try the practice, which is essential because it’s not one size fits all. Project Apis m. has opened their Seeds for Bees program where producers …
Mite Levels Pointed Towards Bee Loss Survey
Record high winter bee loss isn’t surprising to some. The Bee Informed Partnership national survey on bee health showed a nearly 38 percent bee loss this last winter. “The historic losses …