The South Valley Caucus, comprised of the Farm Bureaus from Kings, Tulare, Fresno and Madera counties, recently established a new staffing position to help engage community members about the value of Farm Bureau. Paula Vinzant is assuming the responsibilities of Development Director and is looking forward to contributing to the growth of the four Farm Bureaus in the South Valley Caucus.
“I’ve been tasked with increasing awareness of Farm Bureaus in those four counties,” said Vinzant. “My plan is through community outreach, highlighting member resources, education that Farm Bureau provides, and of course membership outreach. I’ll take that message to ag and ag-related folks that want to become a member.”
The caucus itself was formed in 2016 and meets quarterly to discuss high-priority issues and how they directly impact the area. By taking a more focused approach to issues such as water, labor, and legislation affecting agriculture, the caucus can better engage with community members on a more localized basis.
“Ag touches everyone in the valley, from what we eat to what we buy,” said Vinzant. “So, if you’re that small business guy, I need to sit down in front of you and talk to you about joining the Farm Bureau because it’s important. It affects your economy and your income.”
Vinzant is familiar with the issues that directly impact valley farmers, having served as former Senator Andy Vidak’s district director and managing his offices in Hanford, Bakersfield, and Fresno. Vinzant’s work will be aimed at expanding membership and securing event sponsorships to help ensure the continued success of the agriculture industry in the area.
“I want to ensure the future of ag in the Central Valley, that’s my main goal,” Vinzant noted. “Farm Bureaus continue to evolve to serve the needs of their members, whether it’s on or off the farm; that encompasses the small businesses, the large manufacturing plants. We’re all here because of ag, that’s who the Central Valley is.”