Citrus Expo Exhibitor Set-up Day
…feed the growing crowd today. Folks were able to get around the center quickly with the golf cart sponsored by Carden & Associates. Citrus Expo online coverage sponsored by and…
Citrus Expo E-news: The Show Opens Tomorrow!
This week’s issue of the Citrus Expo E-newsletter includes all of the highlights of the biggest and best citrus show of the year. Want to learn more? Click here to…
Citrus Expo is Tomorrow and Thursday
This Citrus Expo is tomorrow and Thursday in Ft. Meyers Florida. University of Florida scientist and Citrus Expo Seminar Committee co-chair Megan Dewdney talks about the seminars. Click to Open…
Citrus Expo Prep Day
Things are busy in North Fort Myers, where we’re setting up for the 2013 Citrus Expo. Watch pictures from the first set up day. Citrus Expo online coverage sponsored by…
Food Safety Discussed at Citrus Expo This Week
University of Florida scientist Michelle Danyluk will discuss food saftey at Citrus Expo in Florida this week. Another University of Florida scientist – Evan Johnson is giving a presentation on…
Citrus Industry E-news: Fast Track; Snails; Citrus Expo
…groves, and Citrus Expo seminar previews. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe and view the current e-news issue. Click here to subscribe to the monthly Citrus Industry magazine….
Citrus Expo E-news: The Show is Next Week; See What’s in Store!
This week’s issue of the Citrus Expo E-newsletter includes a preview of a seminar on citrus black spot and details on newly announced exhibitor giveaways. Want to learn more? Click…
Could Citrus Canker Cause Problems in California?
…University of Florida researcher Jim Graham is speaking next week at the Citrus Expo in Florida on the topic of canker management. For more on the Citrus Expo, visit….
Management of Asian Citrus Psyllid
As several counties around California are under citrus quarantine to prevent the spread of the Asian citrus psyllid and Huanglongbing disease, the pest and the disease are both significant problems…
Citrus Industry E-news: Moving HLB Research to the Grove
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive from Florida includes reports on a request for more HLB research and on moving greening research to the grove. Want to…
Tulare County Asian Citrus Psyllid Quarantine
…may have seen the Asian citrus psyllid are urged to call CDFA’s Pest Hotline at 1-800-491-1899. For more information on the Asian citrus psyllid and huanglongbing disease please visit:…
Asian Citrus Psyllid Quarantine in Tulare County
…may have seen the Asian citrus psyllid are urged to call CDFA’s Pest Hotline at 1-800-491-1899. For more information on the Asian citrus psyllid and huanglongbing disease please visit:…
ACP Spraying in Tulare, Citrus Program Extended
…CDFA are now preparing to spray citrus trees in residential yards for the pest. The Asian citrus Psyllid can carry and spread Huanglongbing disease, which could devastate the citrus industry….