Scale and Botryosphaeria Connection in Walnuts

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…potential to see significant damage from Botryosphaeria fungi. Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor Dani Lightle says research has shown that open wounds is the issue, and high scale populations can create…

Pest Pressures at Midseason Cotton Update

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…cotton field day at McCurdy Farms in Firebaugh. Cooperative Extension Specialist Bob Hutmacher talked to growers about the up and down season and increased pest pressures. Variable, Yet Good Looking…

Pruning Paint Not Beneficial to California

Taylor HillmanGeneral

There are a lot of misconceptions about pruning paint in California and research has shown that it can actually cause additional damage. Pruning Paint Not Beneficial to California Cooperative Extension

Bacteria Concerns Shouldn’t Focus on Water

Taylor HillmanWater

With lots of misinformation about food safety floating around the internet, researchers are trying to shift the focus off of irrigation water. Concerns Shouldn’t Focus on Water UC Davis Extension