NPPC Capital Update

DanHogs & Pork, Industry News Release

NPPC Now Party to ‘Pork. The Other White Meat’ Lawsuit The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Circuit granted NPPC’s motion to intervene in the lawsuit brought by…

Livestock Review

DanCattle, Commodity Report

…62,000 head during March, 10 percent below from previous year. United States Commercial Slaughter Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.26 billion pounds in March, 2016, 5…

Agri View: Cattle Ranching

DanAgri View, Cattle

…in 2015 was $6.29/lb. • Value of total U.S. beef exports (including variety meat) equaled $6.302 billion down from $7.135 (billion) • Top export markets for 2015 (in order): Japan,…

Loans for Farm Storage-Handling Equipment


…chickpeas, dry peas, sugar, peanuts, barley, rye, hay, honey, hops, maple sap, unprocessed meat and poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, yogurt and renewable biomass. FSFL microloans can also be used…

Agri View: Ostrich Farming

DanAgri View

…needed in order for the burgeoning market to flourish. Currently, the largest problem with ostrich meat is that there are not enough birds, and the meat is too expensive. Therefore,…

Bison Our National Mammal

DanIndustry News Release

…and Oklahoma spawned today’s 2,500 privately ranched herds of bison that provide meat, wool and leather to growing markets. Native Americans are regaining opportunities to re-center their way of life…

Agri View: SNAP Changes

DanAgri View, Consumer News

…that rob farmers of early-season buying power; it also cost them hours spent processing the transactions each week (SNAP works on an electronic debit system). Read the full article. From:…

Agri View: Pig Out

DanAgri View, Hogs & Pork

…in the same village or town. They were valued as a source of meat, fat and for the ability to turn inedible food into meat, and often fed household food…