Free Bird-Friendly Farming Workshops

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…and farmers: Short-term flooding of fields in summer, No-till, no-chop rice fields, Post-harvest residue management of corn fields, Winter flooding of corn fields with staggered flood-up, Winter flooding of fields…

Fruit & Nut Review

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Tree, nut & vine crops

…earlier than last year. Growers completed spraying and pruning by the end of March. In California, pear harvest began in the Sacramento-San Joaquin region the first week of July, similar…

WUD, NRCS, and Audubon California Working Together

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…has declined, the birds have established large nesting colonies in triticale, the plant that dairymen feed their cows. Unfortunately, harvest season coincides with the birds’ nesting season. When these fields…