Farmers Check Impact of Spring Storms

Taylor HillmanEnvironment, Weather

…Niederholzer said, which slows the biological activity of the flowers. In many orchards, stormy weather also prevented honeybees from flying. Although prunes self-pollinate, Neill Mitchell said, the bees help increase…

Farm Camp

DanEducation, General, This Land of Ours

…farm is now an official public space. They grow four acres of vegetables, raise laying hens and turkeys, keep bees and a large population for worms to compost farm waste….

Save the Bees

DanEnvironment, This Land of Ours

Without bees there would be no berries, fruits, vegetables, almonds and other tree nuts. Cathy Isom tells us about the new project underway aimed at saving bees and other pollinators….

Keyhole Garden

DanGeneral, This Land of Ours, Vegetables

…the perfect pace for staying physically active. Plus, when done well, they are something to behold, a tranquil place to sit and take in the plants, the birds, the bees

Kern County Citrus Bloom Announced

Taylor HillmanCitrus

…Standard Road. This establishes the beginning of a time period when the use of insecticides is greatly restricted in citrus groves to enable bees to work the citrus blossoms and…

Agri View: Bee Gone

DanAgri View, General

…Vilsack stated that more than 130 fruits and vegetables that make up a nutritious diet are cross pollinated by honeybees. Commercial bees raised on farms and then shipped to other…