CDFA Awards Nearly $2 Million for Six Nitrogen Projects

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…reduce the environmental impact of using nitrogen fertilizer in California agriculture and will advance farmers’ understanding and implementation of best management practices for agricultural nitrogen fertilizers. The following proposals were…

CDFA Grants Help Growers Upgrade Irrigation Systems

Taylor HillmanDrought, Water

…projects. At the 4,200-acre Scheid Vineyards outside Greenfield, SWEEP funds helped finance irrigation and fertilizer automation equipment, soil and microclimate monitoring equipment, and a variable-frequency drive for pumping efficiency improvements….

USDA Funds New Pilot Project

Taylor HillmanCorn, Tree, nut & vine crops

…approved for U.S. rice growers by the California Air Resources Board (ARB). Now USDA has demonstrated its interest in and support for another market-based approach for growers by increasing fertilizer