Names of Meat Cuts Changing

Taylor HillmanCattle, General

What’s in a name? Well, when it comes to meat – apparently a lot. Rod Bain reports on why some names of cuts are changing. Click to open or download…

No Meat Inspector Furloughs Coming

Taylor HillmanCattle, Poultry

Congressional action makes it possible now for the Agriculture Secretary to transfer funds to keep meat inspectors on the job. That news is certainly welcomed by the meat industry. Gary…

AgNeTVideo Report: Fresno Food Expo

Taylor HillmanAgNeTVideo, General

Thousands of people poured into the Fresno Convention Center for the third annual Fresno Food Expo. With everything from pistachios, to meat, to milk, to wine, it featured about a…

Will Sequester Impact Meat Safety?

Taylor HillmanCattle, General, Poultry

We continue our coverage of the sequester. Will furloughs of meat inspectors compromise the safety of meat and poultry products? Gary Crawford has the answer. Click to Open or Download…

Sequester: Impacts on Meat and Poultry

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The Agriculture Secretary is looking at the possible impacts the sequester could have on meat and poultry supplies and on consumer prices. Susan Carter reports. Click to Open or Download…

Russia Bans U.S. Meat Products

Taylor HillmanCattle, General

U.S. agricultural officials are reacting to Russia’s suspension of meat imports from the U.S. Gary Crawford reports. Click to Open or Download Audio Report…