perdue crop insurance

Crop Insurance Comments Could Jeopardize Clovis Nomination

DanIndustry News Release

cropComments made by Senate Agriculture Committee leaders suggest that Sam Clovis’s position on crop insurance could jeopardize his nomination for a top post at the Department of Agriculture. Senate Agriculture Ranking Democrat Debbie Stabenow and Chairman Pat Roberts both eluded to the nominee’s statements on crop insurance. Clovis has previously questioned the constitutionality of crop insurance. Stabenow said: “It is important we all continue to work together to make sure we have the resources we need for crop insurance,” while Roberts commented that: “If there is some nominee who is coming before the committee who says crop insurance is unconstitutional, they might as well not show up.” Roberts said after Tuesday’s hearing that it is too early to say whether the Trump administration should withdraw Clovis’s nomination, but that Clovis should have an opportunity to explain his comments to him and Stabenow, according to the Hagstrom Report. Clovis was nominated by President Trump to serve as the USDA undersecretary for research, education, and economics.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.