Poultry certified wholesome during August 2014 (ready-to-cook weight) totaled 3.74 billion pounds, down 3 percent from the amount certified in August 2013. The July 2014 revised certified total at 3.89 …
Red Meat Production Down 10 Percent From Last Year
Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 3.80 billion pounds in August, down 10 percent from the 4.20 billion pounds produced in August 2013. Beef production, at 2.02 …
United States Cattle on Feed Down 1 Percent
Cattle and calves on feed for slaughter market in the United States for feedlots with capacity of 1,000 or more head totaled 9.8 million head on September 1, 2014. The …
Citrus Utilized Production Down 15 Percent, Value Up 7 Percent
Citrus utilized production for the 2013-2014 season totaled 9.4 million tons, down 15 percent from the 2012-2013 season. Florida accounted for 59 percent of the total United States citrus production, …
USDA: 2013 Potato Production Down 6 Percent
Potato production in 2013 is revised to 435 million cwt, down 1 percent from the estimate in the January Crop Production 2013 Summary and 6 percent below the 2012 crop. …
California Navel Orange Objective Measurement Report
The initial 2014-15 Navel orange forecast is 81.0 million cartons. Of the total Navel orange forecast, 78.0 million cartons are estimated to be in the Central Valley. This forecast is …
California Walnut Objective Measurement Report
Record Walnut Production Forecast The 2014 California walnut production is forecast at a record 545,000 tons, up 11 percent from 2013’s production of 492,000 tons. This forecast is based on …
California Fluid Milk and Dairy Products Production
Processors report milk production in California as mostly steady, with spotty occurrences of marginal volume increases. Demand is unchanged from bottlers as the school pipeline is completely full and consumer …
2014 California Processing Tomato Report
Contracted production of California processing tomatoes is forecast at a record high 14.0 million tons, averaging 48.61 tons per acre, according to a survey conducted by the National Agricultural Statistics …
All Mushroom Sales Approach $1.12 Billion in Value
USDA/NASS reports sales of the 2013-2014 United States mushroom crop totaled 900 million pounds, up 1 percent from last season. Value of sales for the 2013-2014 United States mushroom crop …
CDFA Dairy Statistics & Trends Mid-Year Review
From January to June 2014, California recorded a 2.9 percent overall increase in milk production in comparison to the total milk production from January to June 2013. Additionally, in the …
California Table Olive Probability Survey Report
The 2014 California table olive forecast is 50,000 tons, down 45 percent from last year’s crop of 91,000 tons, according to a survey conducted by the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics …
California Ranked #2 in Total Cheese Production
June 2014 Highlights Total cheese output (excluding cottage cheese) was 916 million pounds, 0.5 percent above June 2013 but 5.2 percent below May 2014. California ranked second in the nation …
California Cattle on Feed / Commercial Slaughter / Quarterly Milk Production Report
Cattle and calves on feed for slaughter in California feedlots totaled 435,000 head on July 1, 2014, the same as last month, and 16 percent lower than July 2013. During …