The House Agriculture Committee recently held a hearing titled “A 2022 Review of the Farm Bill: The State of Credit for Young, Beginning, and Underserved Producers.” During his opening statement, …
Ag Groups Call for Swift Confirmation of New Chief Ag Negotiator
A coalition of almost 100 American food and agriculture organizations called for the prompt confirmation of Doug McKalip as the Chief Agriculture Negotiator in the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office. In …
Wheat Growers List 2023 Farm Bill Priorities
The National Association of Wheat Growers shared their priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill. As lawmakers continue putting the next farm bill together, wheat growers will be advocating for these …
American Port Access Privileges Act Seeks to ‘Restore Fairness’ at U.S. Ports
Representatives from California have introduced the American Port Access Privileges Act to help support agricultural exports leaving California ports. Congressmen John Garamendi, Jim Costa, and Mike Thompson introduced the legislation …
US Hopeful for a Free Trade Agreement with UK
USDA Deputy Secretary Jewel Bronaugh, just off a major trade mission to the UK, sees that effort as setting the stage for a later free trade deal with Great Britain. …
Survey Says Shoppers Want Clearer Meat Labels
The National Chicken Council (NCC) released findings from a recent national survey of Americans regarding consumer attitudes about chicken and plant-based ‘chicken’ alternatives. Survey participants included individuals who consume meat …
Bill Would Ban US Foes From Owning Farmland
Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran would be banned from owning U.S. agricultural land under legislation just advanced by a House panel. It was the second try for House appropriators …
Keep Kids Fed Act Passed in Both Chambers of Congress
A bill to help keep kids fed moves forward. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The House and Senate each passed the Keep Kids Fed Act this month, …
Rep. Thompson on Priorities for Agriculture, Climate
Priorities for agriculture and the climate. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The House Agriculture Committee recently discussed The Role of Climate Research in Agricultural Resiliency.” Ranking Member, …
Keeping Agricultural Interests Prioritized in Sacramento
At the recent Annual Meeting for the Western Agricultural Processors Association, partner with the Law Offices of Con, Soares, & Conway, Louie Brown provided insight on some of the agricultural …
House Agriculture Committee Discusses Dairy Farm Bill Programs
The House Agriculture Committee met Wednesday to discuss dairy provisions in the Farm Bill. House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott (D-GA) says while the creation of the Dairy Margin Coverage …
Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act Moves Forward
Last week the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act was passed in the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 221 to 204. The bill, H.R. 7606, is a …
Representatives Discuss Access to SNAP Benefits for Undocumented Immigrants
Do undocumented immigrants have access to SNAP benefits? That was a topic of discussion at the recent House Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations hearing on SNAP, or …
House Ag Subcommittee Discusses SNAP Benefits
The House Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations held a hearing on the Farm Bill last week, with a focus on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – or …