
Agri View: Seafood Consumption

DanAgri View, Aquaculture

seafood consumption
Everett Griner talks about American’s and seafood consumption in today’s Agri View.

Seafood Consumption

“American’s seafood consumption is below recommendations.” This is the lead line from a USDA research study. Americans should eat seafood at least twice a week. Records go back as far as 1970. That is almost a half-century. Back then, the average seafood consumption was twelve pounds a year. It grew to sixteen and a half pounds a year by 2006 but then began a slow decline. Here is a surprise. Americans are finding new ways to enjoy seafood. Restaurants and home recipes offer much more than traditional baked and fried fish. They tend to be lower in calories and saturated fat. In fact, in spite of health advantages, seafood and shellfish still lack woefully behind beef and pork consumption in the American diet. That may not be what health officials want to hear. But it is a safe bet that it will not change.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner