
Almond Board: Upcoming Workshops

Taylor Hillman Almond Update

The Almond Board has a series of workshops coming up for growers. Jenny Nicolau, Manager of Industry Relations for the Almond Board of California has more information.

From the Almond Board:
Your crop is set, but now, hungry pests are poised to move in. Spider mites, ants and navel orangeworm are three primary pests that can do serious damage to your crop. How to monitor for their presence — and when and how to stop them — is the subject of the next series of the In the Orchard workshops, sponsored by Almond Board of California. These workshops are being held in three different locations to represent the specific conditions in your orchard: Five Points (May 11), Chico (May 23) and Ripon (May 25). More information, including an agenda, directions and how to RSVP, is in this flier.