Wet July Weather Brings El Nino Hope

Taylor HillmanEnvironment, General, Water, Weather

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Everyone in California, and the West for that matter, is hopeful for more rain, and most people understand that an El Nino weather event would bring just that for the area. Meteorologists have predicted El Nino events in the recent past, but they have never entirely come to fruition. Most farmers and ranchers in the state are taking a “we’ll believe it when we see it” stance, however the abnormal weather California is seeing in July is persuading some of the agriculture community.

USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey

These pictures are from some in that community over the last week or so. Is this the type of weather we can expect if a strong El Nino event matriculates this fall? Gary Crawford talked with United States Department of Agriculture Meteorologist Brad Rippey about what a super El Nino could mean for the West.