Western Growers

Western Growers Applauds Senate Ag Committee Perdue Vote

DanIndustry News Release

Western GrowersIn response to the Senate Agriculture Committee vote to favorably report the nomination of U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary-designate Sonny Perdue to the full Senate, Western Growers President and CEO Tom Nassif issued the following statement:

 “On behalf of the 2,500 Western Growers members who collectively grow more than half of the nation’s fruits, vegetables and tree nuts, I applaud the bipartisan decision of the Senate Agriculture Committee to advance Secretary-designate Sonny Perdue’s nomination as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to the Senate floor.

Secretary-designate Perdue performed admirably during his confirmation hearing, demonstrating the type of leadership and commitment to agriculture that secured our endorsement more than two months ago when he was first nominated by President Trump. We are confident he will act as a tireless advocate for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the industry it serves, working to preserve and enhance support for department priorities vital to the sustainability of farmers across the country.

Furthermore, we trust that Secretary-designate Perdue will pursue a resolution to one of our industry’s greatest needs, ensuring that immigration reform – one that works for all of agriculture – remains a top priority for the president and other key cabinet and Congressional members who will be engaged in future negotiations.

We look forward to building a partnership with Secretary-designate Perdue, working together to advance agricultural priorities in areas such as immigration, the farm bill, trade, nutrition, research funding and the environment, and urge the Senate to swiftly confirm his nomination.”

About Western Growers:
Founded in 1926, Western Growers represents local and regional family farmers growing fresh produce in Arizona, California and Colorado. Our members and their workers provide over half the nation’s fresh fruits, vegetables and tree nuts, including nearly half of America’s fresh organic produce. Some members also farm throughout the U.S. and in other countries so people have year-round access to nutritious food. For generations our members have provided variety and healthy choices as the first line of defense against obesity and disease. We grow the best medicine in the world.®