Sabrina Hill talks with Freel about her weight loss and her new book.
Weight Loss Interview with Erin Freel
Fat to Fit at 40 is available to purchase online. You can find it at Fat to Fit at 40 Journal.
From the Amazon page:
Ever really wonder how someone loses 100 lbs.? What did they eat, how did they exercise, what did they weigh day-to-day and how did they feel emotionally during that journey? This book is a diary, a daily unedited journal that follows the journey of someone determined to get the weight off once and for all. After writing in a journal every day for a year, tracking her weight, tracking her exercise and honestly listing her good and bad days of eating habits, Erin decided the journal might be worth sharing. As she reread through the struggles of those first 12 months she recognized seven tips that seemed to be the key to her success. In Fat to Fit at 40 she shares those 7 tips right at the beginning of the book. Then you read he setbacks and accomplishments day-by-day, month-by-month. She intersperses it with monthly chapters consisting of gems she learned along the way about exercise, fasting, juicing, monitoring your blood sugar, making time for yourself, participating in triathlons and much, much more.