Water Issues Hurting Growers

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Cotton, Environment, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops, Water

Ryan Jacobsen
“California is always on the verge of a drought.” Those words from Fresno County Farm Bureau Executive Director Ryan Jacobsen. Sabrina Hill takes a look at water issues facing the state’s top agriculture producing counties.
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Crops can’t survive without it, but many California growers are constantly in a battle for enough water for their crops. Executive Director of the Fresno County Farm Bureau, Ryan Jacobsen, says there are some major issues when it comes to the state’s ag water and they’re leading to another difficult year.

Jacobsen said the state needs a better water infrastructure that can hold water from wetter years and supply it to growers when it’s needed. He also said there are people working on the problem for the long term, but in the near future, that’s just not going to help.