This episode of the Voices of the Valley podcast is brought to you today by the Western Growers Association. Supporting producers that grow the best medicine in the world. Find out more at WGA.com.
The Nunes Company President Tom “T5” Nunes joins the podcast to discuss how his company remains nimble and open to technology adoption in an industry beset with challenges.
The Nunes Company, known for the Foxy label, grows 40 conventional and 35 organic commodities. With that breadth of product, Tom is looking for common technologies that can scale across his production to create efficiencies. So far, the company has seen success with automation on the thinning and weeding side. “That’s something that’s not just emerging – it’s becoming a common practice,” he says. “Those are items that are being used regularly in our industry.”
The Nunes Company has an operations committee that’s dedicated to weighing the pros and cons of new technologies, he says. When an innovation hits the all marks, Tom is ready to pull the trigger.
“It doesn’t take long – if we believe in it, we’re going to go,” he says. “At the end of the day you want to make sure you’re doing the proper things on the day-to-day side to remain sustainable in your own business and move forward.”