Verboon on High-Speed Rail

Taylor HillmanCattle, Citrus, Cotton, Dairy & Livestock, General, Poultry, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

We continue our series on the high-speed rail and agriculture with comments from Kings County farmer and Supervisor, Doug Verboon. Sabrina Hill has the story.
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The high speed rail project would connect San Francisco to Los Angeles, traveling right through the farming area of the Central Valley. This is passionate support and equally passionate opposition to the plans. Doug Verboon is on the Kings County Board of Supervisors, and third generation farmer. He’s also the county’s 2013 Agriculturalist of the Year. Verboon spoke against the plans for the high-speed rail at a forum last week.

For video of Verboon’s comments, click here.

For comments from Fresno County Supervisor Henry Perea, click here.

For comments from Diana Gomez with the California High-Speed Rail Authority, click here.