The parbest vegetables to grow for Herbivore pets and companions. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay
If you have herbivore pets such as rabbits, small rodents, tortoises, or parakeets, then you know they eat a lot of plants. When you’re planning a food garden to feed your entire family, it’s important to also plant species that your non-human companions need—and enjoy—as well.
Just be sure to double-check with your animal’s healthcare provider to ensure what’s safe for them, because different species have different dietary needs.
Most herbivore friends can eat lettuce. The dark, leafy lettuces such as Romain types are best for most pets. Although few pets enjoy crunching on celery stalks, many of them enjoy the flavor of the leaves. While actual mature or dried beans can be harmful to many pets, very young, tender green beans are edible by many. Cucumbers are edible and non-toxic to most herbivores. You can grow any variety for them, and even offer the flowers as treats. While people mostly think of rabbits eating carrots, these high-sugar foods should only be rare treats. And some pets will only prefer them cooked.
Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.