Vegetable Seeds

Vegetable Seeds Headline Breeder Field Day

Taylor HillmanFruits & Vegetables, Seeds, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

HM. Clause held its 2016 Davis Field Days at its research farm in Davis. The HM. Clause field day brought in producers from several countries to learn more about the recent advances in the company’s vegetable seeds. AgNet West was invited to attend the event alongside the farmers.

Vegetable Seeds


Pepper and tomatillo product manager Jake Ware coordinated the event. He says it’s a good opportunity for growers to get firsthand knowledge. Listen to the complete interview with Ware, including information developments that could reduce labor costs. Jake Ware – HM Clause

Vegetable Seeds





Melon project manager Jag Dhillon talks about advances in his crop.Jag Dhillon – HM Clause Melons



Dhillon showed attendees how color can determine if a product is successful or not. They are working on a cantaloupe that will develop a more bold color, something Dhillon says is a major factor in consumer spending.




Communications manager Stephen Tomasello discusses the company’s goals and explains the “Global reach, local touch” motto. Stephen Tomasello HM Clause