University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources

UC Nitrogen Course Set to Begin Next Week

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Radio Reports

University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources

The nitrogen course offered by the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources is set to begin soon. The course is taught online through a series of videos developed by UC researchers and extension specialists. The seven-module video series will be followed up by four discussion sections. Each module is eligible for Certified Crop Advisor continuing education units covering a variety of different topics.

The first module will be released on May 10, with the last discussion video to be released the week of July 26. The curriculum will address all of the learning objectives established by the American Society of Agronomy for the new California nitrogen specialty exam. The last day to register for the course is July 31. September 30 will be the last day that course content will be accessible.

Listen to the radio report below.

UC Nitrogen Course Set to Begin Next Week
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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West