organic meat processing

U.S. Lacking in Organic Meat Processors

DanIndustry News Release, Organic

organic meat processing
A report from the Organic Farming Research Foundation says the United States lacks enough organic meat processors. In the National Organic Research Agenda Report, the group concluded that although sales of U.S.-produced organic food exceed $6 billion annually, federal funding into organic production has not kept pace. The report says the reason for the funding gap is unclear, according to meat industry publication Meatingplace. Additional needs cited by the more than 1,000 organic farmers who participated in the survey include the need for research into how to get the best marbled meat through genetics. Forty-one percent of farmers who responded to the National Organic Farmer Survey produced animal products, with the most commonly produced animal product being beef followed by poultry and dairy. The National Organic Research Foundation is a non-profit organic advocacy group based in California.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.