market share

U.S. Beef Gaining Market Share in Japan

DanCattle, Industry News Release

market share
Beef exporters from the United States continue to increase market share in Japan as they battle with exporters from Australia. Global Meat News reports shipments of U.S. beef to Japan rose 12 percent in volume and five percent in value to $707.2 million over the first six months of the year. The increase comes despite the preferred beef from Australia which benefits from more favorable tariffs. U.S. producers, in line with other suppliers, face a 38.5 percent tariff rate on beef exports to Japan. Australian producers pay a 30.5 percent tariff on chilled beef and 27.5 percent for frozen, thanks to the Japan-­Australia Economic Partnership Agreement, which went into effect at the start of 2015. Japan is one of the world’s leading importers of beef.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.

From: Global Meat News

US beef growing in Japan

By Oscar Rousseau, writer for Global Meat News

US beef exporters continue to gain market share as they battle with Australia for dominance in Japan, despite the favorable tariffs enjoyed by Australia’s producers, according to trade data.

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