Tulare Water Rules Workshop This Week

Taylor HillmanCattle, Citrus, Cotton, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops, Water

Drip Irrigation
Growers with irrigated lands in the Tulare Lake Basin Area are invited to a workshop on controversial groundwater rules scheduled for this week in Fresno. Sabrina Hill reports.
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Some farm leaders asked to hold off on the workshop, in hopes that a court ruling would force a change in the rules. However, the ruling is not expected until this summer, and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board has decided to keep the workshop scheduled as planned. It will be held during their scheduled board meeting at 8:30 Thursday morning at the Radisson Hotel in Downtown Fresno. According to the board’s agenda, growers will have the opportunity to share their concerns during the workshop.

The Tulare Lake Basin Area Order is part of a family of similar orders, which addresses the effects irrigated agriculture has on water quality. The order has prohibitions, specifications, and monitoring and reporting requirements similar – but not identical- to the Eastern San Joaquin River Watershed Order adopted by the Board back in December. Some of the differences are in the plans for surface water monitoring and the enrollment period.

For more about the meeting, click here.