The toughest ground covers to solve some of your worst garden problems. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.
Thyme ground cover
PinterestHens-and-chicks groundcover
PinterestCreeping Thyme ground cover
Every yard has at least one difficult spot where it’s a challenge to get anything to grow. Often what you need is a really good groundcover. They will help control erosion, blanket a hillside, or thrive in dry conditions while still complementing your home and garden. Some are evergreen, while others lose their foliage in winter. A few can even tolerate light foot traffic.
If it’s dry, it’s time for Thyme. This aromatic groundcover excels in beds, borders, and containers. Hens-and-chicks is a small but mighty succulent that’s terrific in small or tight spaces, between garden stones, or in a trough garden. The best groundcover for shady spots are Sweet Woodruff, Ajuga, and Lamium. Besides staying green throughout the hot summer months, Brass Buttons, Mondo Grass, Lamb’s Ear, and Pachysandra – which is also called Japanese spurge – will add winter interest to the garden as well!
Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.