Tough Decision for Southern CA Alfalfa Growers

Taylor HillmanField & Row Crops, General

Alfalfa Early
Some success is being had with a different varietal of alfalfa in managing leafhopper populations in southern California however there is a trade off.

Growers Face Tough Decision

Cooperative Extension Entomologist Dr. Vonny Barlow says one farmer in southern California has proven success against leafhoppers by growing hairy alfalfa. Researchers aren’t sure why the varietal works in deterring the insect, guessing it is a combination of factors. Barlow says there is a tradeoff with the different breed however. Barlow says for now it remains a tough decision for southern California growers.

Hear more of the leafhopper series:
Alfalfa Pests Killing Southern CA Crops ->
Leafhopper Management has Little Options ->
Alfalfa Breed Showing Promise Against Pest