Time to End Trade Talks with Japan?

Taylor HillmanCattle, Field & Row Crops, General

Senator Chuck Grassley


Agriculture Senator Chuck Grassley is joining key farm groups in saying it may be time to move on without Japan in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks. Sabrina Hill has the story.

TPP Trade Talks with Japan

Grassley sides with the National Pork Producers Council, National Association of Wheat Growers, USA Rice Federation and others in calling on the Obama Administration to conclude TPP talks without Japan – unless Tokyo provides significant market access to the U.S.

Grassley and 17 other Senators urged U.S. negotiators earlier to insist Japan end tariffs on five sensitive products – including pork and beef.

Japan has so far been unwilling to negotiate tariffs in sensitive ag sectors – even while Prime Minister Shinzo Abe committed earlier to put everything on the table.

Grassley says lawmakers are concerned the administration will let Japan off the hook – encouraging other trade partners like Europe to not make concessions. The EU’s trade minister said recently the EU will not change its laws on beef hormones and feed additive ractopamine – used in beef and pork production. Grassley suggests it defies science.