Life on the farm is being used as therapy for a variety of people, especially combat veterans, suffering from both physical and emotional trauma. Cathy Isom tells us how farms are helping veterans work, learn and heal. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.
Therapy for Veterans
From: Central Oregon Veterans Ranch
Founder: Alison Perry MS, LPC
Alison Perry is a Licensed Professional counselor with six years’ experience working with the Department of Veterans Affairs as a mental health therapist and contract liaison. She has served as Executive Director of a veterans’ non-profit and is a passionate advocate for the veterans of Central Oregon. She is the sister, aunt, and granddaughter of Army, Marine, and Air Force veterans. Her brother currently serves as a MEDEVAC helicopter pilot with the 4th Infantry Division at Ft. Carson, Colorado.
The Central Oregon Veterans Ranch (COVR) seeks to provide a rustic setting in nature to help promote healing and a peaceful death for veterans of war. Central Oregon is home to approximately 17,000 veterans, including veterans from WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, and numerous other military operations. Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs documents about 15,000 veterans in Deschutes County and approximately 2,000 veterans in Crook and Jefferson counties respectively. Each generation of veterans has been uniquely impacted by combat experiences and will have end of life experiences markedly different than those of their civilian counterparts. Given the age range of Korean and Vietnam veterans, Central Oregon will be providing end of life care to veterans for the next 20-30 years. It is the belief of stakeholders in this project that our nation’s war veterans deserve a peaceful death with dignity.
Central Oregon Veterans Ranch is a 19-acre ranch property located between Bend and Redmond where veterans are actively planning sustainable agriculture projects including the raising and preserving of the threatened Navajo Churro sheep and gardens that will feed veterans receiving care at the ranch. Supportive housing and specialized care for veterans at end of life will be available late 2015/early 2016. For a tour of the ranch please call 541-706-9062 or email
COVR Vision
To honor veterans through transitional and hospice care provided in a rustic natural setting that facilitates healing at the end of life and a peaceful death.
Veterans have had unique experiences and deserve specialized care when ill or near the end of life. COVR will provide veterans specialized care in a unique environment that integrates the beauty of Central Oregon, the camaraderie of fellow veterans and the staff and volunteers familiar with the unique needs of veterans with a focus on those who have limited economic means and /or no family to take care of them. No service member should be left behind and no service member should die alone.
To provide veterans from the larger community learning opportunities in sustainable agriculture.
Research has shown over and over again the positive impact of active involvement with the natural world, including working with gardens and animals. Additionally, learning to grow ones own food fosters a sense of independence and pride. Veterans who participate in the day to day management of the ranch will benefit from the therapeutic natural environment. and walk away with the skills they can use in their everyday lives.
To provide meaningful opportunities for volunteerism, engagement and a sense of community for the veterans.
Veterans need opportunities to meaningfully engage in their communities. Those who have served in the military often seek ways to continue serving after returning home. Often the most meaningful way for veterans to give back is to help other veterans. Veteran volunteers will provide camaraderie and harvest the stories and experiences of those veterans nearing the end of their journey.
Central Oregon Veterans Ranch’s hope is to provide opportunities for healing for veterans across the lifespan; from those in need of active engagement in their community to those that deserve peace at the end of their lives. Your support is needed to help make this vision a reality. We welcome any and all inquiries regarding the donation of land, estates, funding for start up costs, and professional services.