
Statistics Available for California Crop Year 2015

DanIndustry News Release

Statistics made available by CDFA
California available
In 2015 California’s farms and ranches received approximately $47 billion for their output. This represents a decrease of nearly 17 percent compared to 2014. California remains the leading US state in cash farm receipts.

California’s agricultural abundance includes more than 400 commodities. Over a third of the country’s vegetables and two-thirds of the country’s fruits and nuts are grown in California. California’s top-10 valued commodities for 2015 are:

  • Milk and Cream— $6.29 billion
  • Almonds — $5.33 billion
  • Grapes — $4.95 billion
  • Cattle and Calves — $3.40 billion
  • Lettuce — $2.26 billion
  • Strawberries — $1.86 billion
  • Tomatoes — $1.71 billion
  • Flowers and Foliage — $1.08 billion
  • Walnuts — $977 million
  • Hay — $945 million

Agricultural Exports

In 2015, California exported approximately 26 percent of its agricultural production by volume, accounting for $20.69 billion in value. California’s leading agricultural export products by value are almonds ($5.14 billion), dairy products ($1.63 billion), walnuts ($1.49 billion), wine ($1.48 billion), and pistachios ($848 million).


California agricultural statistics derive primarily from the United States Department of Agriculture/National Agricultural Statistics Services (USDA/NASS) reports. The California Department of Food and Agriculture also publishes statistics related to California dairy production and, in cooperation with the University of California at Davis, statistics for California agricultural exports. For most timely research into California dairy statistics, please see our dairy pages under Division of Marketing Services. Please see also links in the right hand column for USDA National Agricultural Statistics and Economic Research Service reporting. For county-level reporting please see the CDFA County Liaison site.

Annual crop year reports have been reproduced below for your convenience. Export reports are typically published within the corresponding crop year report. While data is made available throughout the year, crop year and export reports are published typically about one year following the given crop year.

Link to the full report.