
State Ag Directors Say Next Farm Bill Could Provide Relief

DanGeneral, Industry News Release

A group of state agriculture directors says the next farm bill could offer relief to farmers in the midst of lower commodity prices and lower farm income. The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture met in Nebraska last week.

Politico reports members mulled over issues including dairy prices, water quality issues and disaster relief funding as farm bill priorities for the group. NASDA expects to finalize its farm bill priority list early next year. The group discussed adding a title to the farm bill related to land transition. South Carolina Agriculture Secretary Hugh Weathers said “if getting new people into farming is seen as that vital, then it has a place in the farm bill,” in regards to helping new farmers get farmland. Vermont Agriculture Commissioner Chuck Ross added “Capitol Hill tends to listen to state agriculture officials when it comes to the farm bill,” that’s because nearly all of NASDA’s priorities for the 2014 Farm Bill were included in the final legislation.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.