growing tomatoes

Spring Vegetable Crop Research Update April 6

Brian GermanDisease, Pest Update, Tomatoes

Crop Research Update
Photo by Engin Akyurt on

The Spring Vegetable Crop Research Update is coming up Wednesday, April 6 in Five Points. The event will begin at 9 a.m. at the Westside Research and Extension Center with and overview of pest and disease concerns in Central Valley vegetable crops from Fresno County Farm Advisor Tom Turini. Zach Bagley from the California Tomato Research Institute will also be giving an update on the parasitic weed Broomrape. A presentation from Kern County Farm Advisor Jaspreet Sidhu will cover alternative nematicides for use in processing tomatoes and melons.

Following the break, other presentations will include an update on CDFA’s beet curly top virus control program and a look at a web-based decision tool for curly top virus management. The event will conclude with information on impacts to yield, quality, and soil biochemistry related to deficit irrigation in processing tomatoes. Continuing education credits from DPR and CCA have been requested for the event.

Listen to the radio report below.

Spring Vegetable Crop Research Update April 6