The Solano County Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for the 2025 Ag PASS Program, which trains and issues passes to commercial farmers, ranchers, ag processors, and horse stable operators to access evacuation areas during emergencies. These passes allow them to care for crops and livestock.
Training sessions for incident safety for agricultural and livestock producers will be held on February 6 and March 6 at the Fairfield County Event Center. These are the only training sessions for the year, with no new passes issued until 2026. Interested individuals can apply online for more information.
I’m Lorrie Boyer reporting for AgNet West.
- Verify that you are eligible to participate in the program
- Submit an online application (link below)
- Upon receipt of application and confirmation of eligibility the Ag Department will schedule you to attend the required Incident Safety for Agricultural and Livestock Producers training
- Attend required training. Trainings will be held in-person at the County Event Center.
- Obtain your Ag Pass from the Solano County Sheriff’s Office
The following commercial businesses are eligible to participate in the Ag Pass Program:
- Commercial Livestock Producers (Business consisting of 10 head of livestock or 50 poultry or rabbits)
- Commercial Agriculturalists (Business producing fruit, nut, seed, vegetable, nursery and/or field crops)
- Beekeeper (Registered beekeeper with 10 or more bee colonies)
- Ag Processor/Winery (Facility with a valid County-issued business license and use permit)
- Horse Stable (Facility with a valid County-issued business license and use permit)
If you don’t meet these criteria the Solano Community Animal Response team is available to assist with disaster preparedness and response. Please visit solanocart.org for more information.
Commercial business owner/operators and managerial employees are eligible to obtain Ag Passes.
Approved commercial businesses may have a maximum of 10 total staff in an evacuation area at one time under escort and supervision of a business owner or managerial employee with a valid Ag Pass. Prior to escorting employees into an evacuation area, a business owner or managerial employee must provide a roster of all employees entering an evacuation area under their supervision to a peace officer or emergency personnel at a designated checkpoint. The incident commander may restrict the number of employees accessing an evacuation area as conditions warrant.
Applicants must complete State Fire Marshall approved Incident Safety for Agricultural and Livestock Producers training. Additional continuing education training is required to recertify commercial producers every two years.
Ag Passes are valid for two years with a uniform expiration date of May 31st. Each year, changes in managerial employee status and to site information listed on passes must be reported to the Agriculture Department.
February 6, 2025
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Solano County Event Center
601 Texas Street, Fairfield
March 6, 2025
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Solano County Event Center
601 Texas Street, Fairfield