Soil Nutrient Management Seminars Coming Up

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Cotton, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops

There are chances to learn more about soil nutrient management coming up. Sabrina Hill has more.
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Agriculture professionals wanting to learn more about soil nutrient management are invited to upcoming CAPCA ED seminars. The Nutrient Management seminars will feature a number of topics, including nitrogen and phosphate efficiency, potash’s role in nutrient management, area-specific fertilizer regulations, calcium’s role in nutrient management, and fertigation and nutrient management.

Seminars are scheduled in Exeter and Salinas. The Exeter seminar will also feature the topic of nutrient management in orchards.

The seminar in Exeter is scheduled for August 20, and the one in Salinas is scheduled for August 21. The cost for each is $60, and continuing education credits are available.

For more information, click here.